The Amazing New Easy Way To Lose Weight -

The Complete Hypnotic Slimming Programme is a very comprehensive programmethat can change your whole relationship with food and how you think and feel about yourself. Includes FREE HYPNOTIC GASTRIC BAND.
The programme can help with Weight Loss, Weight Control, Eating Habits, Cravings, Emotional Eating, Motivation, Confidence, plus much more. Free initial consultation if required at the, Peterborough Curative Hypnotherapy Clinic.
THE AMAZING NEW EASY WAY TO LOSE WEIGHT Also Available as a download
Peterborough Hypnotherapy Clinic ( Now based in Gunthorpe, peterborough )

The Peterborough Curative Hypnotherapy Clinics use two Smoking Cessation Programmes one for the lighter smokers and one for the more heavier smokers. The Smoking Cessation Programmes have already helped many people to stop smoking.
Hypnosis combined with Psychotherapy and Neuro-Linguistic Programming Produces excellent result
Free initial Consultation if required at the Peterborough Hypnotherapy Clinic. Also Available on CD or Download. STOP VAPING With the help of hypnosis.
Peterborough Hypnotherapy Clinic ( Now based in Gunrhorpe Peterborough )

The Stress Management Programme can help with many of the issues connected with stress and the causes of stress. Such as Anxiety, Confidence, Low Self Esteem, Feeling Worthless, Feeling Paranoid, Insomnia, Depression, Anger, Panic Attacks, Mood Swings, No Confidence,
The Peterborough Curative Hypnotherapy Clinics can help with all the above issues or just the issues relevant to you. These are just some of the issues caused by stress. Tim Pinning is a Stress Management Consultant and specialises in helping people with stress related issues. Using a technique that combines Hypnotherapy, Psychotherapy, Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) and counselling if required..
Peterborough Hypnotherapy Clinic ( Now based in Gunthorpe, Peterborough )

Every one of us has a fear of some kind. A phobia is an extreme fear it can become so strong and over powering that the person cannot function in their normal rational way. The Peterborough Hypnotherapy Clinic can help you conquer your Fears and Phobias.
Some of the more common fears and Phobias we have helped our clients with are:
Fears of Flying, Heights, Thunder Storms, Wasps, Being Sick, Standing on Sand, Balloons, Crashing the Car, Driving over Bridges, Open Spaces, Small Spaces, Travelling on Trains, Travelling on Buses, Cats, Dogs, Plus many more.
Stop the Irrational Thoughts Take Back Control
Peterborough Hypnotherapy Clinic ( Now Based in Gunthorpe, Peterborough )

Are you doing well on your lessons but can’t perform well on the Driving Test or in your Exams. Tim Pinning is a specialist in helping clients conquer their Driving Test and Exam Nerves.
The Peterborough Hypnotherapy Clinic can help you.
The Peterborough Hypnotherapy Clinic uses a combination of Hypnosis, Pyschotherapy, Nuero-Linguistic Programming, (NLP) and counselling if required. These techniques help to keep you relaxed and focused during your Driving Test and Exams.
Peterborough Hypnotherapy Clinic ( Now based in Gunthorpe Peterborough )

Bereavement is the state of having experienced loss, it is something we all have to go through at some time during our life. It can make you feel as though a large part of our life has been taken from us.
The pain and suffering is the price we pay for loving someone.

There are more than 100 dirfferent types and sub-types of dementia but it is the primary dementias that are of great concern as currently there are no cures.
The most common types of dementia is Dementia of the Alzheimers Type (DAT) this is followed Vascular Dementia (VAD). It seems to be relatively common to have both types, this is referred to as Mixed Dementia. The third most common type is Dementia with Lewy Bodies (LDT).
Whlie there is no current cure for dementia, there are many things we can do to help reduce the risk of developing dementia and there are some psycho- social statagies that can be used to enhance the quality of life of people living with dementia and their loved ones.
Peterborough Hypnotherapy Clinic ( Now based in Gunthorpe Peterborough )

Hypno-Chemo offers the Cancer sufferer a legitimate, professional and caring complementary therapy designed to encourage a "POSITIVE EXPENTANCY" at every stage of their illness.
Hypno-Chemo works by reducing clients fears and anxieties using hypnosis and positive visualisation.
The aim of Hypno-Chemo is to offer the cancer sufferer a legitimate professional and caring service aimed at complimenting the establishe treatments, from the doctors, the consultants and the other organisations they may already be involved with.
The Hypno-Chemo Programme is all about building Positivity.
Peterborough Hypnotherapy Clinic, ( Now based in Gunthorpe Peterborough )

Addictions are more powerful and can more dangerous than habits.
Habits become natural parts of our life and can include many things such as brushing your teeth to combing your hair in a certain way.
Addiction are when we do, or take something in excess that can become damaging to our bodies. Addictions can have a psychological effect on the addict as well as their families and friends. Extreme addictions can be fatal. Many addictions are completely mental, such as addictions to gambling, although many of the same triggers and behavioral patterns can also be physical addictions like alcoholism.
In both cases the Peterborough Hypnotherapy Clinic can be used to help with the behavior patterns related to the addictions. Using a combination of Hypnosis, Psychotherapy, Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) and counselling if required. The Peterborough Hypnotherapy Clinic ( Now based in Gunthorpe, Peterborough )

Sports Hypnotherapy can help both the professional and the amateur sportsman or woman, regardless of their sport or ability. The dersire to improve is a characterisic that inspires you to be your best.
There are three main areas that influence our sporting ability, fitness skills, technical skills, and mental skills. Whether you simply want to be more motivated to have the competative edge to win, or you just need more motivation to go to the gym. With the skillfull use of hypnosis many obstacles can be removed from your mind helping to guide you towards your goals.
The peterborough Hypnotherapy Clinic can help you, using a combination of Hypnosis, Psychotherapy, Neuro-Linguistic Programming and couselling if required.
Peterborough Hypnotherapy Clinics ( Now based in Gunthorpe, Peterborough )

There are many different ways in which a person can experience Anxiety, for some it can be very severe and disrupt their life for others it can be seen as just an inconvenience, perhaps feeling anxious when speaking or making a presentation at work or school. Anxiety can be brought on by a fear that something will happen.
Panic Attacks, can happen at anytime and without warning, panic attacks are quite common and can be part of another condition or just exist as a symptom on there own. Confidence, Low Self Esteem, can be seen in many ways, our behaviour, how we speak, our body language.
The peterborough Hypnotherapy Clinic can help with all these issues, hypnotherapy can find the root cause and then find ways to resolve them, using a combination of Hypnotherapy, Psychotherapy, Neuro-Lingustic Programming and councelling if required. The Peterborough Hypnotherapy Clinic, ( Now based in Gunthorpe peterborough )
- Peterborough Curative Hypnotherapy Clinic. ( Now based in Gunthorpe Peterborough )
- Tim Pinning is a highly qualified Senior Advanced Registered Hypnotherapist with over 18 years experience.
- The Peterborough Hypnotherapy Clinic uses a combination of Hypnosis, Psychotherapy, Neuro Linguistic Programming and Counselling if required producing excellent results. Helping clients to achieve their goals
Mobile: 07963 419 829.