Anxiety, Confidence, Panic Attacks, Self Esteem.
The Peterborough Hypnotherapy Clinic specialise in helping both men and women who suffer with Anxiety, Confidence, Panic Attacks, Low Self Esteem and the related issues.
There are many different ways in which a person can experience Anxiety, for some it can be very severe and can disrupt their life for other in can be seen as just an inconvenience, perhaps feeling anxious when speaking in public or making presentations at work or school. Anxiety can be brought on by a fear that something will happen.
Different Types of Anxiety
Social Anxiety. A fear of being around other people or having to interact with them, are signs of social anxiety. Fear of public places, open places, and even travelling alone, are also signs of social anxiety.
Generalised Anxiety. People who suffer from generalised anxiety worry to extreme about such things as health, money and family, this can interfere with their life. They worry excessively about normal everyday issuses.
Panic Disorder. Another type of Panic disorder is Panic anxiety, this can be characterised by terror and can come on suddenly without warning.
Sypmtoms Of Anxiety
- Breathlessness.
- Restlessness
- Irratibility
- Lack of Concentration
- No appertite
- Finding it Difficult to Breathe
- Tightness in Chest
- Difficulty Sleeping
- Sweating
- Headaches
- Low Attention Span
- Sexual Interest Reduced
- Feeling Light Headed and Dizzy
- Palpatations
- Medication, can change the chemical imbalance in peoples brains.
- Hereditary, Evidence has shown that anxiety may run in families.
- Life Experiences, anxiety disorders could be liked to long term exposure to violence, drugs, abuse, poverty.
- Personality, Our personality types may determine if we are suceptible to developing an anxiety disorder.
Panic attacks, can happen at anytime and without warning. Panic attacks are quite common and can be part of another condition or just exist as a symptom on there own.
The effects of a Panic attack can continue long after the panic attack has ended, the constant worry about when the next attack will occur can bring on intense anxiety. Panic attacks can limit how people live their life avoiding places or things that may trigger another panic attack.Panic attacks can be very frightening and uppsetting some even think they are having a heart attack.
Symptoms of a Panic Attack
- Nausea
- Terror
- Numbness
- Dizziness
- Sweating
- chest pain
- Pounding Heart
- breathlessness
- trembling
- Shaking
- Choking feeling
- Fear of dying
- Headaches
- Exhaustion
Confidence, can be seen in many different ways, our behavior, how we speak, our boby language.
People with low self confidence may feel.
- Feel uncomfortable in certain situations
- Uncertaian of themselve.
- May have negative thoughts about themselve
- Feel shy
- Feel uncertain of what they want
- Feel a sense of worthlessness
Hypnotherapy can help with all these issues, hypnotherapy can finds the root cause and then finds way to resolve it.
The Peterborough Hypnotherapy Clinic and the Harley Street Hypnotherapy Clinic can help you, using our unique advanced techniques that now combine Cognitive Hypnotherapy, Hypno-Analysis, Neuro-Linguistic Programming, (NLP), Psychotherapy and Counselling,if require. This takes the power of hypnosis to an even greater level, producing excellent results.
All the programmes have been proven over many years, they are tailored and then adapted to each individual clients needs, as no two clients are the same.
The Peterborough Hypnotherapy Clinic and the Harley Street Hypnotherapy Clinic can help you with Low Self Esteem, and help you to increase your Confidence
It can be very de-motivating believing you are not good enough.
- Do you find it hard to let go of negative damaging thoughts?
- Do you have a self loathing?
- Do your feel you are not good enough?
- Do you feel you don't deserve nice things?
- Do you feel nothing in life will work out for you?
- Do you lack motivation?
- Do you under value yourself?
- Do you feel you can't be yourself?
- Do you feel drained?
- Do you feel you have to put on a front, prenteding to be someone you are not?
- Do you se only the bad things when you look in the mirror?
- Do you feel something is holding you back?
- Is something stopping you from moving forward?