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Other issues

We can help you with the following issues:

  • Anxiety
  • Confidence
  • Panic Attacks
  • Depression
  • Character Building
  • Low Self-esteem
  • Motivation
  • Insomnia
  • IBS

I have emphysema and needed a life saving operation; my doctor told me they will not put me on the waiting list until I have stopped smoking for six months. I tried everything but could not manage to stop on my own. The Peterborough Hypnotherapy Clinic was great and made me face up to the facts. I stopped smoking on my first visit. I have been back to see my doctor and he has agreed to put me on the waiting list.


I tried all types of diets but could not manage to lose the weight I needed to lose. The Complete Hypnotic System helped me, I dropped two dress sizes in three weeks.


I had already failed my test  three times I just became, to nervous each test I seemed to get worse. My driving instructor suggested hypnosis well I passed my Test and it definitely worked for me.


I started the Complete Hypnotic Slimming System in January I lost 7lb in one week. This truly is an amazing way to lose weight. I haven't even started the Hypnotic Gastric Band yet.


My 16 year old son had a phobia of balloons he seemed to have a fear of them popping he also had a fear of other loud noises such as fireworks. I am pleased to say that some months on the results are working well. He has been very relaxed around balloons and when one went of behind him at a party he just looked up and commented the treatment worked. I also appreciate being able to sit in on the Hypnotherapy session.


My wife and I both attended the Peterborough Hypnotherapy Clinic on the same day and both stopped smoking after just one session. We save over £70 a week between us.

James and Linda

I have lost 29lb in seven weeks. I am finding the Complete Hypnotic Slimming System so easy. My wife has also lost 17lb


I stopped smoking at just one session at the Peterborough Hypnotherapy Clinic it was brilliant.


I stopped smoking after one session, never looked back.


I smoked over 30 cigarettes a day I also smoked cannabis, it was costing me over £400 a month a friend of my girl friend had stopped smoking at the Peterborough Hypnotherapy Clinic a few months earlier. My girlfriend booked me in. Its been two months now and I don't even feel like smoking. I have already saved over £800.


I have now lost 44lb on the Complete Hypnotic Slimming System and it's only been just over four months. I have now reached my goal weight and size.


The thought of taking my Driving Test made me feel sick I could do all the driving and manoeuvres on my lessons but as soon as the test came round I felt as though I had only just started to drive I forgot everything. The Peterborough Hypnotherapy Clinic helped me I passed; I am now driving my own car.


Specialist Area /

Hypno-Slimming system Hypno-Gastric Band

The Peterborough Curative Hypnotherapy Clinic, can help you, with: Weight Loss, Weight Control, Eating Habits, Cravings, Gastric Band Hypnosis, Emotional Eating, Motivation, Confidence, Self Esteem, Regain Control. Plus much more.



  • The Hypno-Slimming Programme is a course of 4 sessions that can help you regain control over your eating habits.​



  • The Peterborough Hypnotherapy Clinic 

Hypnotherapy can help you Lose Weight and regain control over your eating habits.

Welcome to the Hypno-Slimming Programme, the programme has helped many people successfully lose weight without the need to diet. Includes free Hypnotic Gastric Band

The Peterborough Curative Hypnotherapy Clinic Can Help You

  • Are you unhappy with your weight?
  • Tried all types of dieting?
  • Do you dislike the way you look in the mirror?
  • Are you uncomfortable with your weight?
  • Your clothes don't fit anymore?
  • No motivation?
  • No confidence?

The Hypno-Slimming Programme addresses all of these issues, plus much more. It can help you to: Become the person you really want to be.

My name is Tim Pinning and I am a Senior Advanced Registered, Clinical Hypnotherapist and the author of the Hypno-Slimming Programme.

I specialise in Weight Loss Hypnosis combining the specialist techniques of, Hypnotherapy, Psychotherapy and Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) and counselling if required, producing excellent results.

The Hypno-Slimming Programme used at the Peterborough Curative Hypnotherapy Clinic and the Kings Lynn, Hunstanton clinics for weight loss is a very comprehensive programme that can change your whole relationship with food and how you think and feel about yourself.

  • It can help you to reduce your portion size and still feel satisfied.
  • It can help you to know when you are full and leave food on your plate.
  • It can help you to choose more healthy and more nutritious foods.
  • It can help you to know when you are really hungry and when you are full.
  • It can help you to overcome cravings.
  • It can help with emotional eating. Such as eating when you are, stressed, bored, feeling guilty or even to reward or punish yourself.
  • It helps to motivate you.
  • It can help you to drink more water.
  • It can help you to drink less alchohol.
  • It can help you to regain control

This natural feeling of knowing when you are hungry and when you are full and to choose healthy food becomes the new you.

And it’s so easy.

  • Your food intake is reduced dramatically, you eat fewer calories.
  • This new way of eating becomes natural to you, the new you.
  • You never feel as though you are going without, you are not thinking about food all the time.
  • Your body feels that you are eating more, but in fact you are eating less.
  • You choose healthy, nutritious food, because that’s what you want.
  • No more dieting.
  • Eat whatever you want whenever you want.
  • Your choices naturally become different.
  • You are not craving food all the time.
  • The Hypnotic Slimming Programme is the new easy way to help you lose weight, helping you to regain control of the food you put into your body.
  • It helps you to make the right decisions.

Remember this is not a diet.

Diet, implies going without all the food you like, changing your normal eating patterns. This is why diets are only temporary. You may lose weight but it soon returns, once you stop the diet and return to your old bad eating habits.

Many diets now seem to programme your mind to count calories, planning your life around food all the time, always thinking, what you can and cannot eat, we become obsessed with food, thinking about food all the time feeling hungry all day and craving food.

The Hypno-Slimming Programme allows you to eat what you want when you want but you naturally start to choose the healthier and nutritious options helping you to lose weight, once the new suggestions have been firmly imprinted and accepted into your subconscious mind.

The Hypno-Slimming Programme addresses many other issue connected with your weight and over eating, which include, Confidence, Self Esteem, Character Building, Anxiety, Stress and Motivation, helping you to: Become the person you really want to be.

This is not a diet; it is a whole new way of thinking about food and about yourself.

We all have to eat to live our bodies naturally know the optimum amount of food we require, to stay healthy, anything over the optimum amount will be changed into fat, making us gain weight.

The Hypno-Slimming Programme helps you find and to re-install those natural feeling that we are all born with. Babies know when they are hungry and when they are full. Babies wake up, when they are hungry and take the optimum amount of food they require in milk, as soon as they have had enought they stop eating. So as you can see we are all born with this naturall ability of knowing when we are hungry and when we are full.

As we grow older and our life style begins to change, we start to lose this natural ability. Can you remember your parents or even yourself, saying to your children eat all your dinner, then you can have a dessert or sweets.

What you are really saying is, I know when you are full, you don't, so if you eat all that food that you don't really want, because you are all ready full, you can the have even more high calorie food. This new eating habit is reinforced over and over again as our parents continue to tell us to eat all our dinner. The natural ability we once had starts to slip away, until we no longer know when we are really hungry or when we are full.

The Hypno-Slimming Programme will help to re-programme your mind, helping you to recover the natural feeling of when you are hungry and when you are full.

When you practice Hypno-Slimming Programme and follow the guide daily the new attitudes will remain with you.

The Hypno-Slimming Programme is a course of 4 sessions that can help you regain control over your eating habits and can produce excellent results.

The Hypno-Slimming Programme consists of four session at the Peterborough Curative Hypnotherapy Clinic, on a one to one basis with the Hypnotherapist, plus the Hypno-Slimming Programme Guide Book and a download, helping to guide you through the programme, keeping you motivated and on the right track, to becoming the weight, size and shape you really want to be.

For Peterborough Hypnotherapy Clinic please see:

When you have successfully completed the Hypno-Slimming Programme your subconscious inner mind should be re-programmed helping you to eat the optimum amount of food that is right for your body structure.

For example if the correct weight for someone your age and with your body structure is 10 stone, but you weigh 16 stone, then once you have successfully completed the Hypno-Slimming Programme you should be eating the correct amount of food that is right for a 10 stone person.

Not continuing to over eat as you previously have been, eating enough food for a person who is 16 stone, making you put on weight.

This new eating habit will help you lose weight as your food intake will be reduced, you will start eating healthier and nutritious food and you will be able to maintain your ideal weight and size as you continue to follow the Hypno-Slimming Programme.

Peterborough Hypnotherapy Clinic

The Peterborough Hypnotherapy Clinic can also take referrals from your Doctor.

For companies that feel the Hypno-Slimming Programme may be able to help their staff or for more information, then please contact, the Peterborough Hypnotherapy Clinic on 01733 768839 or email:



         Following the guide can help you become, the ideal weight and size that is right for you.


Hypnotic Gastric Band

I have also added the Hypnotic Gastric Band to the Complete Hypnotic Slimming System this helps to remind you when you are full and to stop eating.

The Hypnotic Gastric Band takes you through a virtual operation, helping you believe that you have been booked into hospital and have gone through the operation to have a gastric band fitted around the top your stomach reducing your stomach to about the size of a golf ball, and if you try to over eat  the gastric band will instantly tighten around  the top of your stomach,  you will also begin to feel sick, but as soon as you stop over eating the gastric band will release and the sickness will go away.

You will find the Hypnotic Gastric Band will only need to come into practice when you try to over eat to remind you that you are full and to pay attention to those natural feeling.

By the time we get to the Hypnotic Gastric Band session you should already be eating the optimum amount of food for your body size and structure.

The Hypnotic Gastric Band, session is delivered towards the end of programme, after you have completed the Hypno-Slimming Programme, it will then be more effective.

There is also a Reinforcement CD and a Guide Book that can be used at anytime during or after you have completed the programme. The audio track will act as back up, and will help to reinforce the suggestions that have been previously installed into your subconscious mind.


I started to lose weight from the very first day, I have already lost over two stone and I am well on my way to my third. I have been telling all my friends and family how good it is, although they can see for themselves.

I have now reached my target weight of 14 stone and have dropped two dress sizes since starting the Hypno-Slimming Programme. I have not been this size for over ten years its taking a while to sink in. I have now decided to lose another stone. The changes I have made really have been long term not just physical but emotional as well.

I have now lost 44lb on the Hypno-Slimming programme and it’s only been just over four months. I have now reached my goal weight and size.

Examples of how the Hypno-Slimming Programme Can Help

Here are a few examples of how the Hypno-Slimming Programme has changed peoples
eating habits.

Example 1

Claire used to drink between 15 and 20 cans of coke every day. She would substitute her
meals for coke she had lost control she craved coke.
Since Completing the Hypno-Slimming programme, She still likes to drink coke, but she
can choose when to have it she now only drinks one or two cans a week.
She is back in full control.

Example 2

Joanne was eating 12 packets of crisps a day sometimes six packets at a time, she is now
able to eat just one packet when she wants, now only once or twice a week.
Some weeks she doesn’t even bother. She just finds she doesn’t crave them as she used
to. She has regained control over her eating habits.

Example 3

Tracey was eating lots of chocolate, she felt as though she was addicted to it she just
could not say no. She had to eat the entire bar no matter what size it was or even eating extra bars until it
had all gone. She has now changed her eating habits and can eat just one or two squares of chocolate
then stop. Tracey still enjoys chocolate but finds she can now control the amount she eats.

Example 4

Steve was always eating large meals his portion size was probably enough for two or
three people, but he always managed to eat everything on his plate he never left anything.
He never felt full. He had lost that natural feeling of knowing when he was full. Since completing the
Hypno-Slimming programme he has now reduced his portion size, to the correct amount for
someone his size and body structure. He can now leave food on his plate and knows when he has had enough.
He knows and can feel when he is full and stops eating, something he has never been able
to do before. He also chooses healthier foods. He is now back.

The people below achieved these results in just three weeks without dieting they changed their attitude towards food:

  • John lost 15lb in three weeks
  • Karen lost 15lb in three weeks
  • Richard lost 14lb in three weeks
  • Cheryl lost 14lb in three weeks
  • Sue lost 12lb in three weeks
  • Sarah lost 12lb in three weeks
  • Vicky lost 10lb in three weeks
  • Mandy lost 14lb in three weeks
  • Marion lost 15lb in three weeks
  • Steve lost 29lb in seven weeks.
  • Alison lost 28lb in twelve weeks.
  • Jonathon lost 5, Stone in 12 Months
For More information or to book the Hypno-Slimming Programme please call 01733 768839 or 07963 419 or email:
If you would like to purchase an Audio version the contiue below

                Purchase An Audio Version Of

        'The Complete Hypnotic Slimming System'

Hypnotic Slimming system

Clients who are unable to attend the clinic can purchase an audio version.

  • NOW ONLY £79.99

The Complete Hypnotic System including the Hypnotic Gastric Band has now been made available on CD or as a download. The Complete Hypnotic Slimming System has been produced specifically for use at home. The complete system contains five CDs plus the Complete Hypnotic Slimming Guide Book taking you through each step of this amazing slimming system.

  • Complete Hypnotic Slimming System,  Guide Book

  • Complete Hypnotic Slimming System,  Part 1 (CD or Download)

  • Complete Hypnotic Slimming System,  Part 2 (CD or Download)

  • Complete Hypnotic Slimming System,  Part 3 (CD or Download)

  • Complete Hypnotic Slimming System, Reinforcement (CD or Download)

  • Complete Hypnotic Slimming System, Hypnotic Gastric Band. (CD or Download)

Each audio track reinforces the previous audio tracks and introduces and installs new ideas into you subconscious mind helping to keep you motivated and on the correct path to achieving your ideal weight and size.

Price: £79.99

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