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Other issues

We can help you with the following issues:

  • Anxiety
  • Confidence
  • Panic Attacks
  • Depression
  • Character Building
  • Low Self-esteem
  • Motivation
  • Insomnia
  • IBS

I have emphysema and needed a life saving operation; my doctor told me they will not put me on the waiting list until I have stopped smoking for six months. I tried everything but could not manage to stop on my own. The Peterborough Hypnotherapy Clinic was great and made me face up to the facts. I stopped smoking on my first visit. I have been back to see my doctor and he has agreed to put me on the waiting list.


I tried all types of diets but could not manage to lose the weight I needed to lose. The Complete Hypnotic System helped me, I dropped two dress sizes in three weeks.


I had already failed my test  three times I just became, to nervous each test I seemed to get worse. My driving instructor suggested hypnosis well I passed my Test and it definitely worked for me.


I started the Complete Hypnotic Slimming System in January I lost 7lb in one week. This truly is an amazing way to lose weight. I haven't even started the Hypnotic Gastric Band yet.


My 16 year old son had a phobia of balloons he seemed to have a fear of them popping he also had a fear of other loud noises such as fireworks. I am pleased to say that some months on the results are working well. He has been very relaxed around balloons and when one went of behind him at a party he just looked up and commented the treatment worked. I also appreciate being able to sit in on the Hypnotherapy session.


My wife and I both attended the Peterborough Hypnotherapy Clinic on the same day and both stopped smoking after just one session. We save over £70 a week between us.

James and Linda

I have lost 29lb in seven weeks. I am finding the Complete Hypnotic Slimming System so easy. My wife has also lost 17lb


I stopped smoking at just one session at the Peterborough Hypnotherapy Clinic it was brilliant.


I stopped smoking after one session, never looked back.


I smoked over 30 cigarettes a day I also smoked cannabis, it was costing me over £400 a month a friend of my girl friend had stopped smoking at the Peterborough Hypnotherapy Clinic a few months earlier. My girlfriend booked me in. Its been two months now and I don't even feel like smoking. I have already saved over £800.


I have now lost 44lb on the Complete Hypnotic Slimming System and it's only been just over four months. I have now reached my goal weight and size.


The thought of taking my Driving Test made me feel sick I could do all the driving and manoeuvres on my lessons but as soon as the test came round I felt as though I had only just started to drive I forgot everything. The Peterborough Hypnotherapy Clinic helped me I passed; I am now driving my own car.


Smoking Cessation
Specialist Area /

Smoking Cessation Programme

       Hypnotherapy Clinic Peterborough.            Hypnosis Peterborough.

       Hypnotherapy in Peterborough                  Hypnosis in Peterborough          

       Hypnotherapy Peterborough                     Stop Smoking in Peterborough

       Stop Smoking Peterborough                     Stop Vaping Peterborough



The Peterborough Hypnotherapy Clinic,

Can Help You Stop Smoking / Vaping  


  • Do you want to stop smoking / Vaping?
  • Tried everything but still can’t stop smoking/Vaping?
  • Is your coughing in the morning getting worse?
  • Are you fed up with chewing nicotine gum?
  • Have you had a bad reaction to nicotine patches?
  • Have you stopped smoking before but put on weight?
  • Do tablets make you feel ill?
  • Are you fed up smoking E-cigs?

Tim Pinning is a Smoking Cessation and Vaping Specialist and can help you quit.

The Peterborough Hypnotherapy Smoking Cessation Clinic uses two types of Smoking Cessation Programmes to help the client to stop smoking, one for the lighter smokers and one for the more heavy smokers.

The Smoking Cessation Programmes have already helped many people to stop smoking even the more heavy smokers who smoke 60 plus cigarettes a day

Programme 1, Consists of just one session and can help you stop smoking from that one session.

  • Also available the unique Complete Hypnotic Smoking Cessation CDs worth £29.99, Free when enrolling onto any of the Smoking Cessation Programmes (This is only available at The Harley Street and the Peterborough Curative Hypnotherapy Clinic)

Programme 2,  (Consists of two sessions) and is better for the heavier, more stubborn smokers, as they may require extra support.

The peterborough Hypnotherapy Clinic also offers a free back up session if required on programme 2, although this is very rarely needed, it allows the clinic to monitor the programme.

The free back up session is for 3 months from the appointment, this covers the crucial period, when you may require the extra help. The 3 month free back session is only available at the Peterborough Hypnotherapy Clinic, on Programme 2. 

The client will need to attend the Peterborough Hypnotherapy Clinic to recieve the free session.

This gives you the reassurance that extra help is there if you require it.

You will also receive the smoking cessation CD helping to reinforce all the new suggestions you have been given and helping you to keep on track.

Before entering onto any of the Smoking cessation programmes it is important that you have made the decision that you really do want to quit smoking.

Quitting smoking increases the chances of living a longer healthier life.o

What makes smoking harmful?

Tobacco smoke contains over 4000 chemicals, many are harmful.

These include Benzene, Formaldehyde, Ammonia, Hydrogen Cyanide, Acetone and Arsenic.  Nicotine, Carbon Monoxide and Tar are particularly damaging.

Nicotine is a fast acting and powerful drug

The immediate effects are:

  • Increased heart rate.
  • Changes in your metabolism
  • Constriction of the small blood vessels in the skin.
  • Increased hormone production

Carbon Monoxide is found in high concentration in cigarette smoke and is a poisonous gas.

Tar When a smoker inhales the cigarette smoke it condenses and around 70% of the tar contained in every cigarette is deposited in the lungs

Irritants can damage the lungs causing the narrowing of the bronchioles, coughing, and an increase in bronchiole mucus and can damage the small hairs which protect the lungs from dirt causing infections.

Smoking is very harmful to the human body it can cause many deceases as well as premature aging.

Smoking is the biggest cause of premature death and illness in England

Smoking over 25 cigarettes a day can increase your chances of dieing from cancer by 25 times you are also twice as likely to die from coronary heart decease than a non smoker.

Smokers who also suffer with high blood pressure and high cholesterol increase the risk by eight times.

Stopping Smoking can reduce the risk.

There are many smoking related deceases

  • Cancer of the lungs, mouth, nose, throat, larynx, oesophagus, bladder, stomach, kidneys, Lymphoma, Leukaemia.
  • Coronary heart disease.
  • Recurrent infections in the airways.
  • Damage and loss of efficiency of the lungs.
  • Arteriosclerosis a build up of fatty deposits and loss of elasticity in the artery walls which can lead to strokes, peripheral vascular disease, gangrene aortic and other aneurysms.
  • Peptic ulcers in the stomach and in the duodenum increase in both incidents and increased the time it takes to heal.
  • Effects on fertility.
  • Tobacco amblyopic, defective vision.
  • Chronic bronchitis, emphysema, and other lung deceases.
  • Buergers disease which can also leads gangrene.

Risks for women are particularly bad

Women who smoke also increase their risk of the following

  • Low birth weight babies.
  • Perinatal mortality.
  • Spontaneous abortion and other problems during pregnancy.
  • Menopause two to three years early.
  • Heart attacks and strokes if they also use oral contraceptives.
  • Increased risk of osteoporosis, the loss bone tissue and bone density resulting in brittle bones that are liable to fracture more easily.

Benefits in quitting smoking

  • Improved ability to cope with sudden exertion
  • Breathing improves.
  • Sense of taste and smell improves.
  • Loss of smokers cough and reduction in phlegm.
  • Your skin, hair, and breath no longer smell of smoke.
  • The natural decline in lungs efficiency  begins to slows down to the rate of a non smoker
  • Reduction in the risk to smoking related illnesses
  • Feeling good about them self for being able to quit smoking.
  • Saving money in some cases many thousands of pounds every year.

Quitting Smoking increases the chances of living a longer healthier life.

Quitting smoking is the greatest single step that a person can do for their health.

Smoking Testimonials

I stopped smoking in just one session at the Peterborough Hypnotherapy Clinic it was brilliant.

I stopped smoking after one session, never looked back.

I smoked over 30 cigarettes a day I also smoked cannabis, it was costing me over £400 a month a friend of my girl friend had stopped smoking at the Peterborough Hypnotherapy Clinic a few months earlier. My girlfriend booked me in. Its been two months now and I don’t even feel like smoking. I have already saved over £800

My wife and I both attended the Peterborough Hypnotherapy Clinic on the same day and both stopped smoking after just one session. We save over £70 a week between us.
James and Linda

I have emphysema and needed a life saving operation; my doctor told me they will not put me on the waiting list until I have stopped smoking for six months.

I tried everything but could not manage to stop on my own. The Peterborough Hypnotherapy Clinic was great and made me face up to the facts. I stopped smoking on my first visit. I have been back to see my doctor and he has agreed to put me on the waiting list.

            Purchase an audio version of

'The Complete Hypnotic Smoking Cessation System'

Smoking Cessation CDClients who are unable to attend the clinic can purchase an audio version.

The Complete Hypnotic Smoking Cessation System consists of three CDs or audio downloads. Each audio track reinforces the previous audio track helping to keep you motivated on the correct path to stopping smoking and staying stopped.

  • Complete Hypnotic Smoking Cessation, Part 1 (CD or Download)
  • Complete Hypnotic Smoking Cessation, Part 2 (CD or Download)
  • Complete Hypnotic Smoking Cessation, Reinforcement (CD or Download)



Hypnotherapy in Peterborough,   Hypnosis in Peterborough,   Psychotherapy in peterborough, Counselling in Peterborough,          NLP in Peterborough,      Hypno-Analyst in Peterborough.

Price: £29.99

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