Types of Therapy: Peterborough Hypnotherapy Clinic
The Two Types Of Therapy Used In Hypnosis Are:
- Analytical Therapy
- Suggestion Therapy
Analytical Therapy can be used to help the therapist find the causes of Psychological problems
Hypno-Analysis can discover and reveals the cause of the symptoms which in turn allows them to be removed, which in turn relieves the symptoms.
The object of Hypno-Analysis is to bring you to a moment of enlightenment allowing a release to be obtained.
Hypno-Analysis works towards a complete and lasting release, by finding and removing the origin of the cause rather than simply controlling the symptoms.
Emotional problems respond extremely well to Hypno-Analysis by finding and then eliminating the cause, releasing you from the symptoms.
Suggestion Therapy can be used for the simpler issues, such as: Bad Habits, Smoking Cessation, Stress, Weight Loss, Relaxation, and Confidence.
These simpler issues generally require one to four sessions depending on the client and how deep rooted the issues are.
- www.curativehypnotherapy.com
About Hypnosis
- Hypnosis can help bring back a balance to you life.
- Hypnosis is the gateway to reprogramming the mind, it allows you except new positive thoughts, which in turn help to change your attitude, allowing you to do the things you want to do.
- Hypnosis allows you to change the old unwanted patterns of behaviour changing them to new ones.
- Hypnosis is a pleasant and calming experience.
- Hypnosis is a therapeutic technique.
- Hypnosis is not dangerous.
- Hypnosis is a heightened state of awareness it is not sleep.
- Hypnosis is the original mind and body medicine
- Hypnosis is a relaxed state that the client can be guided towards by relaxation techniques.
- Hypnosis cannot control the subjects mind. The hypnotherapist guides the client into a relaxing comfortable state. If an emergency arose or anything disturbs the concentration the client then the state of relaxation would cease immediately.
- Hypnosis only occurs with the client’s co-operation the client is in control of their mind and ends when they wish to it end.
- Hypnosis can resolve all sorts of problems
- Hypnosis can instil true happiness and help to replace unhappiness.
- Hypnosis can help you achieve what you wish.
You cannot be hypnotised against your will, you have to agree to it.
While you are under hypnosis you are still aware of every thing that is going on around you.
Clinical Hypnosis helps you regulate your thoughts and to use your inner mind to control your body.
During hypnosis the hypnotherapist simple suggests you experience changes in your ideas or your future actions.
The suggestions the hypnotherapist give you are called hypnotic suggestions.
Only about one percent of the population cannot be hypnotised.
Hypnosis can bring back a balance to your life..
How will I feel
- Most people find they feel mentally alert while hypnotised and at the same time they feel physically relaxed
- Some say it feels like meditation.
- Some say it feels similar to feelings induced by certain drugs.
- Your body may feel that it is weighed down your arms and legs feeling particularly heavy.
- You may feel light as though you are floating.
- Some people feel warm and may have a tingling feeling in their body especially in their arms and legs.
- You may feel as though you are in an isolation booth, because your concentrate on the hypnotherapist voice is so intently that you pay no attention to the sounds around you.
- You pay attention only to the hypnotherapist voice and the suggestion offered to you.
- During the hypnotic session your perception of time may become distorted.
- Some people feel that only a few minutes have passed while hypnotised when it is really a lot longer.
- Others feel they have been hypnotised for hours when it is only a few minute.
- Each person reacts in a different way or though many will feel some of the thing described.
Our Approach
The Peterborough Curative Hypnotherapy Clinic offer a free initial consultation if required this can be at the clinic or over the telephone if preferred.
The Peterborough Curative Hypnotherapy Clinic uses a unique proven advanced technique, that combines Hypnotherapy, Psychotherapy, Neuro-linguistic Programming NLP, and Counselling if required. This combination of therapies takes Hypnosis to an even greater level, producing excellent results over and over again.
The services we offer are professional, relaxed and friendly, giving us the perfect atmosphere for the hypnotherapy sessions.
On arrival at the clinic you will be greeted by the receptionist who will show you to the waiting area.
The Hypnotherapist will then show you to the room where the hypnotherapy session will take place.
During the hypnosis you are given suggestions that can help to change your life.
Before we begin the hypnosis, I work with the client to and develop a list of suggestions that we agree will benefit you.
When the client chooses the suggestions you want the Hypnotherapist to say you are more likely to respond.
When you are in the state of hypnosis you are in deep concentration. You are extremely focused; you are at a heightened state of awareness. You pay attention only to the hypnotherapist words ignoring everything else going on around you.
Once the Hypnotherapist has guided you into hypnosis you become very suggestible. It is a this point in the therapy that you are given the new suggestions introducing you to the new ideas that were previously discussed.
These new ideas are the absorbed by you subconscious mind and become part of your thinking.
After these new ideas have been excepted by your subconscious mind and you have had the opportunity to visualise them, the Hypnotherapist will then gently guide you back to your regular state of awareness.
Throughout the whole hypnotic experience you are in full control of yourself. You are aware of everything that is going on. You can speak you can hear and you can move if you want. And you can come out of hypnosis anytime you choose.
It is not possible to remain in hypnosis any longer than you want.
Hypnosis can change the way your mind interprets experiences.
Hypnosis can change your feelings, your perception, your behaviour, and your thoughts
For my thoughts and opinions on the use of SKYPE for Hypnotherapy'
Please go to: www.curativehypnotherapy.com